The following general commands are available:
Command | Description |
activeref | Select the reference for distance-based masks. |
calc | Evaluate the given mathematical expression. |
clear | Clear various objects from the CPPTRAJ state. |
create | Create (but do not yet write) a data file. |
createset | Create a dataset from a simple mathematical expression. |
datafile | Used to manipulate data files. |
datafilter | Filter data sets based on given criteria. |
dataset | Use to manipulate data sets. |
debug | prnlev | Set debug level. Higher levels give more info. |
ensextension | Enable/disable ensemble number extension for les in ensemble mode. |
exit | quit | Quit CPPTRAJ. |
flatten | Distribute elements of 2d matrix across 1d array. |
go | run | Start a trajectory processing run. Begin trajectory processing, followed by analysis and datafile write. |
help | Provide help for commands. |
list | List various objects in the CPPTRAJ state. |
noexitonerror | Attempt to continue even if errors are encountered. |
noprogress | Do not print a progress bar during a run. |
parallelanalysis | (MPI only) Divide current Analyses among MPI processes. |
parsetiming | Parse timing data from CPPTRAJ output. |
precision | Change the output precision of data sets. |
random | Set the default random number generator used in CPPTRAJ. |
printdata | Print data set to screen. |
readdata | Read data sets from files. |
readensembledata | Read data files in ensemble mode. |
readinput | Read CPPTRAJ input from a file. |
removedata | Remove specified data set(s). |
rst | Generate Amber-style distance/angle/torsion restraints. |
runanalysis | Run an analysis immediately or run all queued analyses. |
select | Print the results of an atom mask expression. |
selectds | Print the results of a data set selection expression. |
silenceactions | Prevent Actions from writing information to STDOUT. |
sortensembledata | Sort data sets using replica information (currently constant pH only). |
usediskcache | Turn caching of data sets to disk on or off. |
write | writedata | Immediately write data to a file or write to all current data files. |