Calculate auto/cross-correlation functions for given vector(s) using spherical harmonics.
timecorr vec1 <vecname1> [vec2 <vecname2>] out <filename> [order <order>] [tstep <tstep>] [tcorr <tcorr>][dplr] [norm] [drct] [dplrout <dplrfile>] [ptrajformat]
vec1 <vecname1> [vec2 <vecname2>]
Vector(s) on which to operate. By default the auto-correlation function will be calculated if one vector is specified, and the cross-correlation function will be calculated if two vectors are specified.
out <filename>
Name of file to write output to.
[order <order>]
Order of Legendre polynomials to use; default 2.
[tstep <tstep>]
Time between snapshots (default 1.0).
[tcorr <tcorr>]
Maximum time to calculate correlation functions for (default 10000.0).
Output correlation functions and
in addition to the
correlation function.
Normalize all correlation functions, i.e., .
Use the direct method to calculate correlations instead of FFT; this will be much slower.
(dplr only) Write extra information for each vector related to dplr option to <dplrfile>.
Write output in ptraj style (prevents use of data formatting options).
DataSet Aspects:
P<order> correlation function.
C<order> correlation function (dplr only).
<1/(r(0)3r(t)3> correlation function (dplr only).
(_TC_DIPOLAR_) Average magnitude (<R>).
(_TC_DIPOLAR_) Sqrt( <R^2> ).
(_TC_DIPOLAR_) <1/R^3>.
(_TC_DIPOLAR_) <1/R^6>.
(_TC_DIPOLAR_) Vector name.
Calculate time auto/cross-correlation functions for vectors using spherical harmonics theory. NOTE: To calculate direct correlation functions for vectors just use the corr analysis command. The norm keyword will normalize the resulting correlation functions. Note that if dplr is specified, a new global data set named _TC_DIPOLAR_ will be created, containing extra data for each vector analyzed with a ’timecorr dplr’ command.
Vectors between atoms 5 and 6 as well as 7 and 8 are calculated below, for which auto and cross time correlation functions are obtained.
vector v0 @5 @6 vector v1 @7 @8 timecorr vec1 v0 tstep 1.0 tcorr 100.0 out v0.out order 2 timecorr vec1 v1 tstep 1.0 tcorr 100.0 out v1.out order 2 timecorr vec1 v0 vec2 v1 tstep 1.0 tcorr 100.0 out v0_v1.out order 2
Similarly, a vector perpendicular to the plane through atoms 18, 19, and 20 is obtained and further analyzed.
vector v2 @18,@19,@20 corrplane timecorr vec1 v3 tstep 1.0 tcorr 100.0 out v2.out order 2