Project coordinates along given eigenvectors.
projection [<name>] evecs <dataset name> [out <outfile>] [beg <beg>] [end <end>] [<mask>] [dihedrals <dataset arg>] [start <start>] [stop <stop>] [offset <offset>]
Output data set name.
evecs <dataset name>
Data set containing eigenvectors (modes).
[out <outfile>]
Write projections to <outfile>.
[beg <beg>]
First eigenvector/mode to use (default 1).
[end <end>]
Final eigenvector/mode to use (default 2).
(Not dihedral covariance) Mask of atoms to use in projection; MUST CORRESPOND TO HOW EIGENVECTORS WERE GENERATED.
[dihedrals <dataset arg>] (Dihedral covariance only) Dihedral data sets to use in projection; MUST CORRESPOND TO HOW EIGENVECTORS WERE GENERATED.
[start <start>]
Frame to start calculating projection.
[stop <stop>]
Frame to stop calculating projection.
[offset <offset>]
Frames to skip between projection calculations.
Data Sets Created:
DataSet indices correspond to mode #.
(All execpt IDEA) Projection data set.
X component of mode (IDEA modes only).
Y component of mode (IDEA modes only).
Z component of mode (IDEA modes only).
Magnitude of mode (IDEA modes only).
Projects snapshots onto eigenvectors obtained by diagonalizing covariance or mass-weighted covariance matrices. Eigenvectors are taken from previously generated (e.g. with diagmatrix) or previously read-in (e.g. with readdata) eigenvectors with name <dataset name>. The user has to make sure that the atoms selected by <mask> agree with the ones used to calculate the modes (i.e., if mask = ’@CA’ was used in the “matrix” command, mask = ’@CA’ needs to be set here as well).