Write frames to a trajectory file within a list of Actions.
outtraj <filename> [ trajout args ][maxmin <dataset> min <min> max <max>]
Output trajectory file name.
[trajout args]
Output trajectory arguments (see the trajout command).
[maxmin <dataset> min <min> max <max>]
Only write frames to <filename> if values in <dataset> for those frames are between <min> and <max>. Can be specified for one or more data sets.
The outtraj
command is similar in function to trajout
, and takes all of the same arguments. However, instead of writing a trajectory frame after all actions are complete outtraj
writes the trajectory frame at its position in the Action queue. For example, given the input:
trajin mdcrd.crd trajout output.crd outtraj BeforeRmsd.crd rms R1 first :1-20@CA out rmsd.dat outtraj AfterRmsd.crd
three trajectories will be written: output.crd, BeforeRmsd.crd, and AfterRmsd.crd. The output.crd and After-Rmsd.crd trajectories will be identical, but the BeforeRmsd.crd trajectory will contain the coordinates of mdcrd.crd before they are RMS-fit.
The maxmin
keyword can be used to restrict output using one more more data sets. For example, to only write frames for which the RMSD value is between 0.7 and 0.8:
trajin tz2.truncoct.nc rms R1 first :2-11 outtraj maxmin.crd maxmin R1 min 0.7 max 0.8