
Calculate the minimum or maximum distance between pairs of atoms/residues/molecules

{min|max}dist mask1 <mask1> [mask2 <mask2>] [{byatom|byres|bymol}] [noimage] [name <setname>] [out <file>] [resoffset <#>]

mask1 <mask1> First mask for selecting atoms.
[mask2 <mask2>] Optional second mask for selecting atoms.
byatom Report the minimum or maximum distance between atoms in <mask1> or between atoms in <mask1> and atoms in <mask2>.
byres Report the minimum or maximum distance between all residue pairs selected by <mask1>, or pairs of residues selected by <mask1> and residues selected by <mask2>  (excluding certain pairs, see resoffset).
bymol Report the minimum or maximum distance between all molecule pairs selected by <mask1>, or pairs of molecules selected by <mask1> and molecules selected by <mask2>.
[noimage] Do not use the minimum image convention for distances.
[name <setname>] Output data set name.
[out <file>] Write data to <file>.
[resoffset <#>] For byres, ignore residue pairs if the difference in residue numbers is greater than the cutoff (default 1).

Data Sets Created:
<name> For byatom, a set containing the minimum or maximum distance for each frame.
<name>[<#>_<#>] For byres/bymol, a set containing the minimum or maximum distance between the residue/molecule pair specified by the numbers in the aspect, e.g. ’<name>[1_3]’ for byres would be between residues 1 and 3.

Calculate the minimum or maximum distance in Angstroms between atoms or residue/molecule pairs.