
Modify structure by applying dihedral values to specified residues.

makestructure <List of Args>

Apply dihedrals to specified residues using arguments found in <List of Args>, where an argument is 1 or more of the following arg types:

<sstype keyword>:<res range>

Apply secondary structure type (via phi/psi backbone angles) to residues in given range. If the secondary structure type is a turn, the residue range must correspond to a multiple of 2 residues.

Keyword phi, psi (deg.) # residues
alpha -57.8, -47.0 1
left -57.8, 47.0 1
pp2  -75.0, 145.0 1
hairpin -100.0, 130.0 1
extended -150.0, 155.0 1
typeI -60.0, -30.0 | -90.0, 0.0 2
typeII -60.0, 120.0 | 80.0, 0.0 2
typeVIII -60.0, -30.0 | -120.0, 120.0 2
typeI’ 60.0, 30.0 | 90.0, 0.0 2
typeII 60.0, -120.0 | -80.0, 0.0 2
typeVIa1 -60.0, 120.0 | -90.0, 0.0 2
typeVIa2 -120.0, 120.0 | -60.0, 0.0 2
typeVIb  -135.0, 135.0 | -75.0, 160.0 2

<custom ss>:<res range>[:<phi>:<psi>]

If <phi> and <psi> are given, define a custom secondary structure conformation named <custom_ss> and apply to residues in range. If <custom_ss> has been previously defined then apply it to residues in range.

<custom turn>:<res range>[:<phi1>:<psi1>:<phi2>:<psi2>]

If <phi1>, <psi1>, <phi2>, and <psi2> are given, defined a custom turn conformation named <custom_turn> and apply to residues in range (range must correspond to a multiple of 2 residues). If <custom_turn> has been previously defined then apply it to residues in range.

<custom dih>:<res range>[:<dih type>:<angle>]

<dih type> = phi psi chip omega alpha beta gamma delta epsilon zeta nu1 nu2 chin

If <dih type> and <angle> are given, apply <angle> to selected dihedrals of type in range. If <custom dih> has been previously defined then apply it to residues in range.

<custom dih>:<res range>[:<at0>:<at1>:<at2>:<at3>:<angle>[:<offset>]]

Apply <angle> to dihedral defined by atoms <at1>, <at2>, <at3>, and <at4>, or use previously defined <custom_dih>.

<offset>  Description
-2 <at0> and <at1> in previous residue.
-1 <at0> in previous residue.
0 All atoms in single residue.
1 <at3> in next residue.
2 <at2> and <at3> in next residue.

 ref:<range>:<refname>[:<ref range>]
Apply dihedrals from residues <ref_range> in previously loaded reference structure <refname> to dihedrals in <range>.

Assign polyproline II structure to residues 1 through 13:

makestructure pp2:1-13

Make residues 1 and 12 ’extended’, residues 6 and 7 a type I’ turn, and two custom assignments, one (custom1) for residues 2-5, the other (custom2) for residues 8-11:

makestructure extended:1,12 \
 custom1:2-5:-80.0:130.0:-130.0:140.0 \
 typeI’:6-7 \

Assign residue 5 phi 90 degrees, residues 6 and 7 phi=-70 and psi=60 degrees:

makestructure customdih:5:phi:90 custom:6,7:-70:60

Create a new dihedral named chi1 and assign it a value of 35 degrees in residue 8:

makestructure chi1:8:N:CA:CB:CG:35

Assign ’extended’ structure to residues 1 and 12, a custom turn to residues 2-5 and 8-11, and a typeI’ turn to residues 6-7:

makestructure extended:1,12 \
 custom1:2-5:-80.0:130.0:-130.0:140.0 \
 typeI’:6-7 \

Assign secondary structure from reference structure:

parm ../tz2.parm7
 reference ../tz2.rst7
 makestructure "ref:1-13:tz2.rst7" rmsd reference
 trajout fromref.pdb multi