Calculate simple bond, angle, dihedral, and non-bonded energy terms (no PME).
energy [<name>] [<mask1>] [out <filename>] [nobondstoh] [openmm [<mdopts>]] [bond] [angle] [dihedral] {[nb14]|[e14]|[v14]} {[nonbond]|[elec] [vdw]} [{nokinetic|kinetic [ketype {vel|vv}] [dt <dt>]}] [ etype { simple | directsum [npoints <N>] | ewald [cut <cutoff>] [dsumtol <dtol>] [ewcoeff <coeff>] [erfcdx <dx>] [skinnb <skinnb>] [ljswidth <width>] [rsumtol <rtol>] [maxexp <max>] [mlimits <X>,<Y>,<Z>] | pme [cut <cutoff>] [dsumtol <dtol>] [ewcoeff <coeff>] [erfcdx <dx>] [skinnb <skinnb>] [ljswidth <width>] [order <order>] [nfft <nfft1>,<nfft2>,<nfft3>] [ljpme [ewcoefflj <ljcoeff>]] } ]
] Data set name.
Mask of atoms to calculate energy for.
[out <filename>]
File to write results to.
Skip calculating the energy of bonds to hydrogen.
Calculate bond energy.
If specified and CPPTRAJ is compiled with OpenMM support, use OpenMM to calculate energy.
Note: this will only calculate total energy; any keywords pertaining to individual energy components are not available. For a list of potential options that can be used with ‘openmm’ see emin
Calculate angle energy.
Calculate dihedral energy.
Calculate nonbonded 1-4 energy.
Calculate 1-4 electrostatics.
Calculate 1-4 van der Waals.
Calculate nonbonded energy (electrostatics and van der Waals).
Calculate electrostatic energy.
Calculate van der Waals energy.
Do not calculate kinetic energy even if velocity/force information present.
Attempt to calculate kinetic energy. Requires force and/or velocity information.
ketype {vel|vv}
Specify kinetic energy type. If not specified, if velocity and force information use a velocity verlet-type calculation (vv), i.e. assume velocities are a half-step ahead of the forces. If only velocity information is present, calculate from on-step velocities (vel).
dt <dt>
Time step for vv calculation in ps.
[etype <type>]
Calculate electrostatics via specified type.
Use simple Coulomb term for electrostatics, no cutoff.
Use direct summation method for electrostatics.
[npoints <N>]
Number of cells in each direction to calculate the direct sum.
Use Ewald summation for electrostatics. If van der Waals energy will be calculated a long-range correction for periodicity will be applied.
cut <cutoff>
Direct space cutoff in Angstroms (default 8.0).
dsumtol <dtol>
Direct sum tolerance (default 0.00001). Used to determine Ewald coefficient.
rsumtol <rtol>
Reciprocal sum tolerance (default 0.00005). Used to determine number of reciprocal space vectors.
ewcoeff <coeff>
Ewald coefficient in 1/Ang.
Used to determine pairlist atoms (added to cut, so pairlist cutoff is cut + skinnb); included in order to maintain consistency with results from sander.
mlimits <X>,<Y>,<Z>
Explicitly set the number of reciprocal space vectors in each dimension.
Use particle mesh Ewald for electrostatics. If van der Waals energy will be calculated a long-range correction for periodicity will be applied.
cut <cutoff>
Direct space cutoff in Angstroms (default 8.0).
dsumtol <dtol>
Direct sum tolerance (default 0.00001). Used to determine Ewald coefficient.
Ewald coefficient in 1/Ang.
erfcdx <dx>
Spacing to use for the ERFC splines (default 0.0002 Ang.).
Used to determine pairlist atoms (added to cut, so pairlist cutoff is cut + skinnb); included in order to maintain consistency with results from sander.
ljswidth <width>
If specified, use a force-switching form for the Lennard-Jones calculation from <cutoff>-<width>
to <cutoff>
order <order>
Spline order for charges.
nfft <nt1>,<nt2>,<nt3>
Explicitly set the number of FFT grid points in each dimension. Will be determined automatically if not specified.
If specified use particle mesh Ewald for calculating Lennard-Jones interactions.
Ewald coefficient for Lennard-Jones PME (implies ljpme
DataSet Aspects:
Bond energy.
Angle energy.
Dihedral energy.
1-4 van der Waals energy.
1-4 electrostatic energy.
van der Waals energy.
Electrostatic energy.
Total energy.
Calculate the energy for atoms in <mask>
. If no terms are specified, all terms are calculated. Note that the nonbonded energy terms for ’simple’ do not take into account periodicity and there is no distance cut-off. Electrostatics can also be determined via the direct sum, Ewald, or particle-mesh Ewald summation procedures. The particle
mesh Ewald functionality requires that CPPTRAJ be compiled with FFTW and a C++11 compliant compiler.
Calculation of energy terms requires that the associated topology file have parameters for any of the calculated terms, so for example angle calculations are not possible when using a PDB file as a topology, etc. All nonbonded calculations methods other than simple require unit cell parameters.
For example, to calculate all energy terms and write to a Grace-format file:
parm DPDP.parm7 trajin energy DPDP out ene.agr