Calculate density along a coordinate.
density [out <filename>] [name <set name>] [delta <resolution>] [x|y|z] [number|mass|charge|electron] [efile <filename>] <mask1> ... <maskN>
Output file for histogram: relative distances vs. densities for each mask.
Resolution, i.e. determines number of slices. (0.25 Å)
Coordinate for density calculation. (z)
Number, mass, partial charge (q) or electron (Ne – q) density. To convert the electron density to e-/Å3 divide by the (average) area spanned by the other two dimensions. (number)
mask1 ... maskN
Arbitrary number of masks for atom selection; a dataset is created and the output will contain entries for each mask.
DataSet Aspects:
Average density over coordinate.
Standard deviation of density over coordinate.
Calculate specified density for system. Defaults are shown in parentheses above. The format of the file is as follows. Comments are lines starting with ’#’ or empty lines. All other lines must contain the atom type followed by an integer number for the electron number. Entries must be separated by spaces or ’=’.
Example input:
density out number_density.dat number delta 0.25 ":POPC@P1" ":POPC@N" \ ":POPC@C2" ":POPC" density out mass_density.dat mass delta 0.25 ":POPC@P1" ":POPC@N" \ ":POPC@C2" ":POPC" density out charge_density.dat charge delta 0.25 ":POPC@P1" ":POPC@N" \ ":POPC@C2" ":POPC" density out electron_density.dat electron delta 0.25 efile \ ":POPC@P1" ":POPC@N" ":POPC@C2" ":POPC" ":TIP3" \ ":POPC | :TIP3" "*" density out ion_density.dat number delta 0.25 ":SOD" ":CLA"
See also $AMBERHOME/AmberTools/test/cpptraj/Test_Density.