corr | correlation

Calculate auto or cross correlation for 1 or 2 data sets.

corr out <outfilename> <dataset1> [<dataset2>] [lagmax <lag>] [nocovar] [direct]

out <outfilename> Write results to file named <outfilename>. The datasets must
have the same # of data points.
<dataset1> [<dataset2>] Data set(s) to calculate correlation for. If one dataset or the same dataset is given twice, the auto-correlation will be
calculated, otherwise cross-correlation.
[lagmax] Maximum lag to calculate for. If not specified all frames are used.
[nocovar] Do not calculate covariance.
[direct] Do not use FFTs to calculate correlation; this will be much slower.

DataSet Aspects:
[<dataset1>] (Auto-correlation) The aspect will be the name of each of the input data set.
[<dataset1>-<dataset2>] (Cross-correlation) The aspect will be the names of each of the input data sets joined by a dash (’-’).
[coeff] Correlation coefficient.

Calculate the auto-correlation function for data set named <dataset1> or the cross-correlation function for data sets named <dataset1> and <dataset2> up to <lagmax> frames (all if lagmax not specified), writing the result to file specified by out. The two datasets must have the same # of datapoints.