
Compare two topologies and report differences.

comparetop {parm <name> | parmindex <#>} {parm <name> | parmindex <#>} [out <file>] [atype] [lj] [bnd] [ang] [dih] [atoms]

parm <name> | parmindex <#> Topologies to compare.
out <file> Print results to file instead of screen.
[atype] Only report atom type differences.
[lj] Only report differences in Lennard-Jones parameters.
[bnd] Only report differences in bond parameters.
[ang] Only report differences in angle parameters.
[dih] Only report differences in dihedral parmeters.
[atoms] Only report differences in atom properties.

Compare and report differences in atoms/parameters between two topologies. Differences are reported in standard ’diff’ format, with ’<’ prefix indicating the parameter is from the first topology and ’>’ prefix indicating the parameter is from the second topology.